3D Anatomy Integration Into Numerous Health Science Courses

Tarrant County College purchased 5 Anatomage Tables for their different campus locations to implement into their Physical Therapy Assistant, Anatomy & Physiology, and Emergency Medical Technologist programs. Additionally, they will begin to incorporate the Table into their Sonography, MRI, Anesthesia Technologist, and Licensed Vocational Nursing programs starting Fall 2017.

Usage Of The Table At Trinity River East Campus-Center For Health Professions

Trinity River East Campus used the Table in their Physical Therapy Assistant, Pathophysiology, and Radiography programs. Improvement was found in the image quality of muscles and joints in the PTA program. Images from the software were saved by students to prepare for quizzes and tests.

The Pathophysiology program incorporated the preloaded case library into the curriculum. Students participated in collaborative groups to answer questions and take short quizzes using the cases. The Radiography program has been using their Table since Fall 2015 with approximately 24 students each semester. They found that the Table was useful for radiographic anatomy. Examples of this include viewing of the bony thorax, knee, scapula, and GI procedures.

Visualizing Structures Through 3D Anatomy Technology

Anatomy and Physiology students were able to use virtual scalpel and rotation tools to view sections of the body. The ability to remove overlying anatomical structures and expose structural relationships was also beneficial. Students also attested that the Table made learning easier and more efficient thanks to the undo feature, among others.

Usage Of Clinical Content Library At Northeast Campus

Groups of 6 to 8 students review anatomy and pathophysiology content in labs by using the Table. Students have the ability to review anatomy from all angles, which helps them better conceptualize unique pathologies

Research & Benefits Of The Table As A Virtual Dissection And 3D Anatomy Tool

The Table was used in intermediate and advanced procedure courses during lecture and small group components. They found the Table most beneficial when learning complex anatomical structures such as the shoulder girdle and bony thorax. Students were also asked to manipulate the cadaver into correct positioning along with rotating, cropping, and formatting the case images. Overall, students were encouraged to use the Table as a study tool for upcoming exams.

Student Perception Of Hands-On Preparation

According to student surveys, it was discovered that students benefited from the hands-on nature that the Table provided. Furthermore, students found the 3D technology was easy to use, and was most helpful in intermediate and advanced courses.

Incorporation Of 3D Anatomy Tables In New Health Technician Programs

Tarrant County College will begin to incorporate Table usage into their Sonography, MRI, Anesthesia Technician, and LVN programs starting Fall 2017. Implementing the Table into the each program’s curriculum provides students of different backgrounds the ability to learn in a more integrative classroom setting. All in all, both faculty and students found the Table useful for learning various body systems and beneficial in strengthening their understanding of general anatomy.


Paech, D., Giesel, F., Unterhinninghofen, R., Schlemmer, H., Kuner, T., & Doll, S. (2016). Cadaver-specific CT scans visualized at the dissection table combined with virtual dissection tables improve learning performance in general gross anatomy. [Abstract]. European Radiology, 25(9). doi:10.1007/s00330-016-4554-5.

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