The Harker School adopted the Anatomage Table into their human anatomy and physiology course to allow students to dissect 3D cadavers and focus on different pathologies. Students were able to dissect the 3D cadaver in an interactive manner that promoted an open atmosphere and facilitated group learning. Additionally, the Table allowed students to view high-resolution regional scans that pertained to their current area of study. The high resolution regional scans were useful for both faculty and students to attain a better understanding of the anatomy layer-by-layer and structure-by-structure. By doing so, students were able to comprehend why anatomical structures are situated the way they are and how the systems work together.
One of the largest technological resources that The Harker School contains is the Anatomage Table. Students dedicate their time by exposing themselves to the Table and their textbooks to gain better insight on anatomy and how different structures and systems work with each other. The 3D virtual cadaver lets students expose themselves to a high level of accurate anatomy without having to constantly focus on textbooks and anatomy models.